I do like the feeling when you actually achieve something. Meetings, planning and discussion all have their place but at the end of the day it’s about the result; probably why my slogan is making IT happen.
Time-sheets and Time tracking
So with consulting comes the process of recording your time, and then invoicing that time or at least recording it against a job or customer as un-billable so you know how to improve your time management or estimation skills.
It’s alive!
Openbravo 3.0 successfully running on Centos 6.2 on my test bed.
Openflow and Software Defined Networking
Recently I’ve been getting very excited about Openflow and it’s various interrelated projects under the banner of OpenStack, particularly Quantum and Open vSwitch.
Whats got me going about this, in particular, is it’s providing the ability for people (admittedly not ordinary people) to write their own network protocols. Why is this a good thing you ask? Don’t we already have a bunch of protocols both proprietary and open?
Document Management ideas
My wife and I were talking the other day about document management. I’m just an end-user of such things but she deals with the admin and back-end stuff. We both concluded a lot of the problems perceived with DM systems is due to the way they’re setup.